
This is an experimental project to develop guidelines to assist in the evaluation of the appropriateness of treatment for Crohn's Disease. It is based on a method developed by the RAND Corporation and tested with many different medical procedures.

As with all guidelines, the conclusions concerning the appropriateness of Crohn's Disease therapy are intended to be a recommendation - rather than a hard and fast rule - to assist patient and physician to determine the appropriate strategy of care given their particular circumstances. It would be wrong and in some cases even harmful to base the decision to provide, or not to provide, Crohn's Disease therapy solely on the basis of such a recommendation. In no case should it replace the advice of a doctor.

The Hospices-CHUV (Lausanne, Switzerland), the authors of this programme, and their respective institutions as well as any individual or institution having participated in this project, assume no responsibility for the information or recommendations found on these pages or for any decision deriving from them.